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Internet and Email Terms of Service
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Terms and Conditions
Server Use
Jaijo Ltd do not provide web-hosting services. Sites and email management will be hosted by one of our preferred web-hosting suppliers.
Jaijo Ltd reserves the right to refuse service and /or access to its servers to anyone. Jaijo Ltd do not allow any of the following content to be stored on its servers:
Illegal Material – This includes copyrighted works, commercial audio, video, or music files, and any material in violation of any British laws or regulations.
Adult Material – Includes all pornography, erotic images, or otherwise lewd or obscene content. The designation of “adult material” is left entirely to the discretion of Jaijo Ltd.
Warez – Includes pirated software, ROMS, emulators, phreaking, hacking, password cracking, IP spoofing, etc., and encrypting of any of the above. Also includes any sites which provide “links to” or “how to” information about such material.
We will endeavour to provide a continuous high quality service. If you experience problems with your service, you should consult your technical documentation to try and resolve the issue, if that fails contact your systems administrator and if that fails to resolve your problem, you can contact our help desk on 01344 872871 option 2 between 9am and 5:30 pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays.
Please note we may require suspension of some of our services for short scheduled periods to carry out maintenance or repair to our services.
Reselling of Services
All accounts other than our Reseller Accounts are to be used by the primary owner only, and do not allow the holders to resell, store or give away web-hosting services of their website to other parties.
Web hosting services are defined as allowing a separate, third party to host content on the owner’s web site. Exceptions to this include ad banners, classified ads, and personal ads.
Scope of Services / Use / License
All rights of any kind in Jaijo Ltd software, code or routines which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Jaijo Ltd. You may not rent, lease, copy, distribute, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on Jaijo Ltd software, code or routines, nor permit anyone else to do so. You may not make access to Jaijo Ltd software, code or routines available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business, nor permit anyone else to do so.
Unlimited Use Policy
High bandwidth usage: Jaijo Ltd may find a customer to be using server resources to such an extent that he or she may jeopardise server performance and resources for other customers. In such instances, Jaijo Ltd reserves the right to impose the High Resource User Policy for the consideration of all customers.
High Resource Use Policy
Resources are defined as bandwidth, processor utilisation or disk space.
Jaijo Ltd may implement the following policy to its sole discretion:
When a website is found to be monopolising the resources available Jaijo Ltd reserves the right to suspend that site immediately. This policy is only implemented in extreme circumstances and is intended to prevent the misuse of our servers. Customers may be offered an option whereby Jaijo Ltd continues hosting the website for an additional fee.
Domain Name Registration and Renewals
Jaijo Ltd or the web-hosting company accepted no ongoing responsibility for re-registering the name or otherwise ensuring that it remains in force.
Jaijo Ltd or the web-hosting company do not accept responsibility for any rights breaches caused by the registration in any form whatsoever or howsoever caused.
Virus Scanning of Emails
In particular, there is no warranty for virus scanning feature. If this feature is enabled on the customers email management no guarantees whatsoever are given for the feature to work or give protection against computer viruses howsoever introduced into the system. (It simply runs external programs that claim to perform this function.) Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Website Hosting – Virus/Cyber Attacks/Unauthorised Access
If we are hosting your website via one of our preferred 3rd party providers, the hosting fee is for rental space & minor support/enquiries. Any problems requiring significant time to investigate or rectify will be charged at our hourly rate. Please also note that no refunds will be given for any downtime in services, as although rare, these events can and do occur if for example, the hosting provider are undertaking essential maintenance work. Whether we host your site on our preferred partners site or your hosting is with another 3rd party, we cannot be held responsible for any virus’s attacking your site. Whilst we take measures to safeguard your site, it is something that can still happen. We will charge at our hourly rate to clean, recover and restore any website attacked by a virus or having been accessed by an unauthorised person or persons or by an automated system.
Payment Policies
Jaijo Ltd reserves the right to change prices of accounts or services at any time, although all pricing is guaranteed for the period of any prepayment. Payment is due within 14 days of the date of invoice. Customers will automatically be charged again at the end of their period unless closure notification has already been given in writing 30 days prior to the date of renewal.
In situations where payment has not been made within the 14 days stipulated Jaijo Ltd reserve the right to immediately suspend the facility and services to the client until the outstanding charge is processed successfully. The customer is responsible for all money owed on the account from the time it was established to the time that the customer sends a written cancellation request.
All invoices will be sent directly to customers via email.
All payment is in UK sterling.
Cancellation and refunds
Jaijo Ltd reserves the right to cancel the service at any time. In this event customers will be entitled to a pro rata refund based upon the remaining period of membership. If a customer contravenes Jaijo Ltd terms of service a refund will not be issued in the event of a cancellation.
Fees charged on a prepay basis are non-refundable. Once the initial trial period has expired customers are not entitled to receive a refund unless the service is cancelled by Jaijo Ltd. In addition some accounts incur set-up fees, these charges are also non-refundable.
Customers are required to give written confirmation 30 days prior to the cancellation of the services provided to them by Jaijo Ltd or any of Jaijo Ltd third party providers.
Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold Jaijo Ltd harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable legal fees asserted against Jaijo Ltd, its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, its agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Jaijo Ltd against liabilities arising out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with Jaijo Ltd server; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party; (3) copyright infringement and (4) any defective products sold to customer from Jaijo Ltd server.
Jaijo Ltd will not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer. Jaijo Ltd makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. Jaijo Ltd disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, nondeliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by Jaijo Ltd and its employees. Jaijo Ltd reserves the right to revise its policies at any time.
Please note: by agreeing to use any of our services you agree to be bound by all Jaijo Ltd terms and conditions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]